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"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." John D. Rockefeller

Writer's pictureTraveling Ticos

Tips To Stay Safe While Traveling Abroad

Today as I worked on my daily tasks I heard the story on the news about how two female travelers where killed in Costa Rica and the story brought sadness to my heart considering that this could have not just happened to any female travelers but also male travelers. Therefore I came up with the plan to bring awareness to safe travel with a couple tips to been safe while you are in a foreign country.

Extra Copies:

Always try take copies of your important documents like passport, ID, and travel itinerary. Try to also keep some extra cash hidden when you travel in case of emergency, for example try to keep a $20 bill in the sole of your shoes in case of some quick emergency you have quick cash.

Don’t be the ugly Tourist

Don't be the type of tourist local hate. Be humble when you travel, and be nice. If you're American keep in mind that in many country you may be seem as cocky so prove these people wrong, show them that you see them as humans and not as inferiors. As well as don't draw negative attention to yourself specially if you are traveling alone.

Don't draw negative Vibes

You as a traveler in a foreign country will always draw locals attention specially if you don't speak the language and if you do, you will still be spotted cause of your accent. Therefore do not do anything illegal like drugs. If you go partying do not over drink or get into fights. Avoid anything that will make you seem like that ugly tourist. Previous tip.

No Late nights

I have a rule not just traveling but when I'm at home and that is always be home before 3am. Why is that you may ask? Well as my grandma might say nothing good happens after 3am. There is just no reason to be out that late specially in a foreign country. Therefore between 3am and 6am You will always find me indoors. These are usually the darkest hours of the night and the hours in which most accidents and crimes occur therefore save the trouble and go back to your hotel. If you decide to party though keep in mind not to accept open drinks from strangers and do not leave your drink unattended.

Don't be a Target

Thieves will always go for the easiest of targets. Therefore if you look disorientated/lost, unfocused, not paying attention to your surroundings you will most likely become a victim of some sort of abuse. Therefore try to seem confident and aware of everything around you. Of course don't act paranoid thinking everyone is against you but be alert. Thieves choreograph situations that breed confusion and then strike. So if someone rattles a newspaper in your face or a drunk stumbles into you or a pack of prostitutes surround you and start being way too friendly, immediately put one hand in your pocket on your wallet and use your free hand to politely push away and step back from the situation.

Be friendly.

Goes hand in hand with the previous tips. When you travel be open minded and don't act like you are better than the people around you. Try and make friends alot of the times these friendships you make will help you in the future. Try learning the local slang and language.

Show interest in the people you meet, from the local store clerk to your taxi/uber driver. Also ask them for recommendations of where to go and where you should avoid since after all locals know best.

Don't be over charitable

We all have the urge of giving to beggars sometimes but please keep in mind this is not a great practice. Try to avoid this, it is not a good idea. Sometimes beggars can be overly aggressive, use your money for drugs or alcohol or even fake their condition. Instead of handing out money on the street find a legitimate local charity and make a donation. Therefore be careful when giving money away.

Practice Common Sense.

In our generation common sense isn't as common as we would like but try analyze things before doing them. For example if you see a sketchy street, most likely you should NOT go into that street, it looks sketchy for a reason. Be safe. Do not be out late by your self, this could make you a target for someone that wants to do you bad, specially if you are a female. In a perfect world we would like to travel and assume we are safe anywhere we are but unfortunately that is not the case, people will always try to do us harm.

Live to travel another day. Your goal should always be to get home in one piece, so if something happens use common sense and keep your cool. If someone pulls a knife on you, never put up a fight. Give thm what they want and get away safely — at least you’ll have a wild story to tell! Do not Expose your self to danger every!


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